4 Cursos
This 5 module course was developed for conservation practitioners and relevant stakeholders and aims to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the process for starting a business and developing the related business plan. It will also present how the usual business development approach can be adapted to nature conservation reality and requirements, the different financing instruments available to conservation businesses and how to access this financing.
El curso mejorará la capacidad de los participantes para abordar los desafíos ambientales y sociales derivados del cambio climático.
Al final del curso, los participantes podrán definir políticas y leyes de manera eficiente, favoreciendo la buena gobernanza para la adaptación al cambio climático identificando los desafíos ambientales derivados del cambio climático y la importancia de conservar y restaurar los ecosistemas para adaptarse.
The overall goal of this course is to enhance the capacity of key stakeholders to integrate climate change and biodiversity into land-use planning to achieve compatible conservation and development outcomes.
This is a self-paced learning experience where you may self-direct your learning process through the video “Integrated Planning: People, Nature & Growth” and the four modules. You may start wherever you want, but we recommend to watch the video first and to take the lessons within a module in the suggested order.
Este curso se enfoca en el fortalecimiento de capacidades e intercambio de conocimientos y aprendizajes sobre Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza (SbN) y Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en el Perú. Incluye conceptos, herramientas, casos prácticos y una diversidad de recursos de lectura y audiovisuales.